Wednesday, February 24, 2010

drive by press!

so, i've been sick. hence, lack of postage. 
and, ya know... being sick was so much simpler in high school... not so much in college. so, i had to go to school... sick.... in the rain (our school is outdoors, so eating lunch is quite an adventure... and not the "wee! adventureeee!" kind... no bueno.) 
BUT! it got better because my math teacher had nothing planned for class (great teacher, eh?) so he have us a quiz and then let us leave.... which was awesome because these dudes from drive by press were at my school! they were uhmazing. So pretty much, these two guys pull up in a van with a traveling printing press in it, and they print all kinds of their cool designs onto t-shirts which they sell in order to pay for their gas, food, etc. Unfortunately, i forgot my money :( but my friend got one and it turned out beautiful. 

here are pictures... not from today, but from one of their previous events
you can see some of their designs on the bottom there...
my friend got this design... it was my favorite! jealous!

(p.s. DPA stands for Dirty Printmakers of America...awesome.)

um... did i mention they did all of this IN THE RAIN? well, they did.

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