Sunday, March 28, 2010

i'm looking forward to...

ahh spring break! i'm quite excited for there is much to look forward to this next month. 
i'm looking forward to...

...FINALLY seeing my bestfriend/cousin! it's been 5 months!
....listening to my new radio! isn't it cuuuuute?
(excuse the bad iphone picture of it)
....getting my hair done. i need a change!
(via weheartit)
...owning this movie! i want it so badly!
...EASTER! i don't know if you remember... but i've been without french fries and tortilla chips (my two addictions) for almost 40 days and on easter, i can finally eat them! yummm. (i may as well mention, that my school makes amazing french fries and the scent of them fills the entire campus.. ugh!)
(via weheartit)
...and of course, a Day Without Shoes. Which also happens to be the same day my lil' sister performs the lead role in her school play... aww! 
what are you looking forward to?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Passing the Sunshine Award on to you!!

  3. I love your header! I am guessing you designed that yourself? It's perfect. And your radio is just to die for!

    What I am I looking forward to? Traveling to the amazon in a week! Slightly scared but much more excited than anything.

    p.s. Be sure to check out my lovely peruvian feather earring giveaway.

