Saturday, October 31, 2009

happy halloween!

so very excited for tonight! 
going to have a Tim Burton movie marathon with a close friend :)

i LOVE these Tim Burton inspired photos

xo. emilia.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

all i want to do...

is read a book.

and sleep.



Sunday, October 25, 2009


i finally finished it!

and I am quite pleased with the way it turned out :)

today was a great day. {The only thing that would have made it perfect... would be a temperature lower than 80ยบ. i want it to feel like autumn already!} it was the creative arts festival at my church today. everyone was able to showcase their fun. plus, i finally had the time to start The Lovely Bones, and eat some peanutbutter+honey toast :) mmm. mmm. mmm.

AND. edward scissorhands was on today!
now off to paint some pumpkins :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

oh boy. CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY week. 
so... here's just a few things that went through my brain these past few days.

1. homework homework homework. stress stress stress.

2. Katy Perry stole Zooey Deschanel's face... AND ruined head over heals-- one of Tears for Fears best songs.... arg! Kids in the Way's rendition was so much better. so very good.

3. i've wanted a beanie for some time now.
mitchell davis has one.... but I don't.

{p.s. i'm still in highschool.. so i'm allowed to like mitchell davis.}

4. cuteness. way too much.

5. this! i made one today :)
but mine didn't turn out so pretty...

great tutorial from making chicken salad.

anywho. that's all i have time for at the moment... hope your autumn is fantastic!

p.s. i saw where the wild things are! :) :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

weekend. part 1.

pumpkin patch! 
i bought two little ones and am going to paint them instead of carve them :)

bright flash. i'm not that white.
lemon festival :)
i had been waiting for that lemon ice cream for for-ev-er. it is the reason i even go to lemonfest

{all done with poladroid}

xo. emilia

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

once upon a time...

sheldon owned a snuggie,

fleet foxes made beautiful music, 

Mykonos from Grandchildren on Vimeo.

this dog was adorable,

and the world was happy.

ooo. that dog makes me wish puppies stayed puppies forever. is it so in neverland? hmm.... ponder :) I am so so so very excited for this weekend! 

pumpkin patch + scary corn maze + sleepover + pancakes + homemade salsa + lemon festival + where the wild things are!

oh. by the way, i started my halloween costume :) i'm going to be max.... duh. check out this amazing tutorial if you want to make one yourself.

happy october. emilia

Monday, October 12, 2009

i'm getting exciteddd.

where the wild things are! 
i am loving the wild things inspired sites :)

and this wild thing fort contest

xo. emilia

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"the great regina spektor"

regina spektor on SNL :)

i had to work at my highschool's football game on friday night... did I watch the game? oh no. me and my friend Carly were far {no pun intended} too busy belting out regina songs.

her range is amazing. her lyrics and melodies make me smile.

xo. emilia

Saturday, October 10, 2009

i've come to notice that I post a lot of pictures on here... but they're so pretty, i can't stop :). anyway, I guess i'd rather share a picture than type out my life's complications and problems... this is not that kind of blog.

anywho. it finally feels like autumn! i am so loving it :) it's perfect weather to watch a movie... or read a book. my october/november  list looks a little something like this:

i am l o v i n g The Element by Ken Robinson... and learning a lot. after that I plan on reading the Lovely Bones. I've heard it's really good, and the movie looks amazing! 

i love Peter Jackson's work. I'm glad he directed it... he did such an amazing job transforming LoTR from book into film(s). 

speaking of books into film... who is NOT excited for this movie? ahhh!

i'm going to start my Max halloween costume soon :)


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

shake it like a poladroid.

homework is a drag. procrastination is key. music helps.
{relientk, regina spektor, sleeping at last, passion pit, pheonix, mewithoutYou, fleet foxes}
i l o v e poladroid! its the easiest polaroid generator i've found yet... and. it's free! victory.

Hockey has a free video on itunes this week! it's so cuuute & features Paul Rust (aka Denis Cooverman) and Charlyne Yi (Paper Heart)! ... download it!


Monday, October 5, 2009

new album!

new RelientK album. only $3.99 on amazon! such a deal :)

forget and not slow down

these boys are seriously a m a z i n g. 
buy it. now.

xo. emilia

Friday, October 2, 2009

you may need this.

everyone has heard and probably spent hours on people of walmart... but the underrated awkward family photos has to be one of my favorite forms of procrastination {which i'm pro at... by the way}

here's just a few reminders that your family is not that crazy. unless these pictures happen to be of you. if so, thank you for the entertainment :)

i do love bacon.

well i sure needed the laugh.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

happy october!

first day of october!

i wish southern california looked like this...

{pumpkins. pies. lemon festival. where the wild things are. sewing projects. corn mazes.}

ooo! and i'm hoping to make more things such as this...
