Last night, my youth group and I went to Pangea Fest, a festival held at Santa Barbara City College that celebrates the world as one and encourages youth activism. There were vendors, representatives from Invisible Children and musical performances like Dominic Balli
Oh! and they were handing out these balloon noisemakers (obnoxious little devices) and the look on my youth pastor's daughter's face when she realized what it did was just hilarious.
There were also vendors. Of course, the vintage clothing vendor was my favorite.
Check out these Fresh Prince-esque I found! I personally like mine the best... i thought it was very Jazz-like. :)
oh... and I had to kick myself for lacking money that night when I found a Clash shirt.
I've been thinking about starting a bucket list.... one that will grow slowly over time, just as I think of things that I really want to do before I die. So I thought, what better place to make a list than here on my blog? Hence, here lies the first in a long sporadic series (not in any order of importance):
no. 1: shave a portion of my head
now, you might be thinking, "woaaa what a way to start off a bucketlist!"
yea, I know... but this is something that I actually think quite often.
especially when i'm feeling rather angsty.
(i know, not a real word. but it describes me quite well)
this portable record player has all the perks-- it's compact, can transfer songs onto your computer, has headphone jacks and comes with speakers! it would make a great secondary record player, wouldn't you say so?
this past week, I was flipping through Newsweek magazine and found myself in the back of the magazine (the Arts section, duh...) reading an article titled "Iraq 'n' Roll." The article was following up on the band Acrassicauda, the only Iraqi Metal band. When I read that a documentary had been filmed about them called "Heavy Metal in Baghdad," I had to look into it. I've always been a Metal fan, not a huge listener, but I definitely have a lot of respect for the genre... and let me tell you, this movie totally changed my perspective.
So if you are a music fan, I highly suggest it. You can even watch it on YouTube!
sorry for my blogging hiatus, i've been working to set up a blog for my youth group and i took a trip to visit some family for 3 days.
BUT over those three days, i got my hair done! much needed.
what cha' think?
it's kinda strange because i've been blonde my whole life. but i like it :) XO.
p.s. thank you Alexandra Hoover of Alex's Wonderland for the sunshine award! unfortunatley, i am horrible at selecting favorites (i have commitment issues ;] ) so i won't be selecting 12 to give the award to. Because I believe you ALL deserve this award!